CultUre of Transformation
The Spiritual Edition «CultUre»
Dear earthlings!
This publication is for anyone who is longing to transform his consciousness. The Age of Water — Fish, the Age of Jesus Christos, has passed. The entire Cosmos has now come under the influence of the Constellation of Aquarius, and this is a new Age of Air, LIGHT, and FREEDOM of the Spirit from treacherous Darkness. Humankind must completely release its inner «Self».
Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, the Fire of the Soul shines brightly and illuminates the body, i.e. transforms it with its Light. For thousands of years, wise men and prophets have dreamed about this Sacred Time. And here we are: our beautiful planet Earth has entered a new Aeon of Cosmic Changes, and is now getting ready for a Quantum Leap, and therefore, with the Help of the Cosmic Powers — the Mother of the Universe and Her Great Fellowship — is making a New Transformation.
Over a period of 14 year (a period of two sevens and full Moon) the Mother of the World and Her Assistants of Light Completed a full cycle of transitions: the Earthly and the Heavenly, Male and Female, Sun and Moon, Good and Evil, Upper and Lower, Left and Right, Outer and Inner were united. The Planetary Consciousness is well prepared for global Change. And now is The Very Moment in the history of Epoch of Mother of the World when the Alchemy of Transformation is starting to become complete. The living Substance of Earth transforms its body into a new Cosmic Planet — the Planet-Centrum Universe.
Bohema (God — is Mother!) is beginning to be resurrected into Eternal Life. But on a physical level, in the slow circle of Genesis, the world is still going through the great destruction of the old karmic past. Higher souls will survive, having passed through the abyss of Hell but transformed their consciousness. People on Earth will turn towards knowledge of the Absolute, forever free of ruthless karma. And this will be the Triumph of of Mother and Father, combined in their Spiritual Lighting Creation
But the painful step of reverse polarity for the majority proves disastrous. Only those who are in the vibrations of the Mother of the Universe will be able to receive the high cosmic rays emitted by the planet Uranus and the New Spiritual Sun. The Mother of the World is the Great Epochal Leader of the Children of the Light in the Kingdom of the Golden Age — Appeared into Earth 14 years ago — 11 April 1990. And now, Her Favorite planet, Earth, and all who turn to Her for help, are covered by Her Veil of Spiritual Light. Particularly Saving today is the The Prayer of Light — the Prayer of the visualization of and future Transform of the transformation consciousness. Its vibrations are strong and enable anyone to pass easily into a new dimension who will consciously accept this Prayer and make the protection. You can sing, whisper, read it on beads, mentally to repeat about yourself; from this its Force is not belittled!
The main point on the planet is the Kiev city. It is — the Great Golden Grad of Sophia - Wisdom of God which was appeared at the end of the last century as Mother of the World: to Commit the TRANSFORMATION on Earth.
When will shake the mountains and plains, and many of the continents will become submerged, the ashes will fall on the heads of Earthlings, and the sun will be darkened, — formed a single continent, surrounded by the purest pristine waters, exotic hills and lush vegetation, warm, fertile climate and life-giving air. This will be the Kievan Rus with Eve’s city — Kiev, «Ki» — energy, «Eve» — Mother, Life.
The New Transformed RAce of LOVE of the Great Mother of the World will accept the New Planetary CultUre, affirmed by the Last Testament of the Mother of Light. Only Ten Golden Rules of Mother of the World will be performed by the earthlings and the planet will give wings by New Transform, — the PARADISE on Boheme will become real! Sixth RAce will know Their Progenitress, Joy of Life, Eternity Consciousness. HARMONY of Spirit and Matter will be a Single Light Oasis of Universal LOVE. It Will Be So! For This We Remain to this day with you, dear earthlings!
The new edition of «CultUre» — it is the Source of the Light Information emanating from the Mother of the World, it is a Living, breathing Cosmos. Vibrations that emanating from every page — pure and high, already touching them — clears the soul and filling with Currents of the Absolute.
«Cult» — means: a Doctrine «Ur» — Light Gold. The Doctrine of the Mother of the World – «The Science of Light and Its Transformation» — for those who are preparing together with the planet Earth to move into a new temporal round and will Transfigure for Eternal Life.
Therefore, I bless: do This Glorious Journey with Us! I Go First, with Me — My Divine Spouse, followed — the Great White Brotherhood of the Transfiguration earthlings...