The interview with Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS. Mail news «Introduction to religious researches»

Mail news «Introduction to religious researches»

The presenter is well-known on Internet by her pen-name «Upelsinka». She is a religious researcher and the author of two mail news - «Introduction to religious researches» (religious review).
December 4, 2000
Upel.'.: What does the Universe Community Great White Brotherhood represent today?

    Maria DEVI CHRISTOS: Great White Brotherhood is a New Community of Transformed Humanity — the Great Initiates of the Divine-Cosmic Sirian Culture.

    The main mission of Brotherhood is to prepare planetary mankind for the new requirements of life in the epoch of Golden Century on the Transfigurated planet Earth. The principal idea is Divine Love to all breathing and the Great Harmony of Two Cosmic Origins: Masculine and Feminine, executing the Law of Universal Love, imprinted in the Last Testament of the Mother of the World Mary DEVI CHRISTOS.

    «The Great White Brotherhood» «USMALOS» of 2000th is a Divine and Cosmic Community, spreading the CultUre (Golden Religion) of the Mother of the World through the entire Universe. First of all with the help of a Holly Example — the Unity of Two Divine Origins: the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS and the Spouse of Eternity Ioann-Peter Vtoroy — through the Divine Couple, the Mother and the Farther, the Loved and the Loving, the new cosmic consciousness must be formed, Divine Consciousness and Human Consciousness, Macrocosm and Microcosm. The CultUre of the Mother of the World includes Science and Religion, Arts and Theosophy, Cosmic Worldview and Structure of the Divine State. The Science explicates a natural base of the Absolute and the Universe, the Religion presents the Faith, which originates from the Knowledge of God and Universe Order of MAAT, the Arts give spiritual base for the mysteries of being: the mystical dance of the Mother of the World rebuilds the elemental Unity of Space and Time, transforming into ETERNITY, LOVE and HARMONY; the Divine Music and Songs lift up to the summits of Divine Absolute LOVE: Great She and Her Divine Beloved; painting reveals pictures of the inner world of the Mother of Light; the Divine religious Poetry of the Mother of the World contains esotherism and Wisdom of Life, opening the Great Secrets and Divine Truth; the theatre shows the life of spiritual unity, the satire laugh away the farce of vicious society, the tragedy shows the disharmony between the being and new race, the light game embodies slide of the Mother of the World on waves of the ocean of Eternity; the ritual songs and mysteries reflect expectations of the believers and the Great Creator's Idea: Gold of LOVE, Gold of Soul and Spirit, Gold of Great Bliss. The spiritual school of the Mother of the World forms the Initiated into the Cosmic Mysteries, through Theosophical Teaching of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS and Ioann-Peter Vtoroy.

    The way of life of the Great White Brotherhood is the formation of a Golden Ring of the Unions of Divine Love (Husband and Wife, Brother and Sister, the Initiates of the Great White Brotherhood), kindling a Golden Link of the planetary Unity of Two Origins. This Union is Harmonious and stable, the Base of Relationships is Absolute LOVE.

    The spreading of the Teaching of the Mother of the World through Living God's Words, the Divine Poetry of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS with the help of video- and audiocassettes, living sermon, Holy Scripture, which is the Last Testament by Maria DEVI CHRISTOS. «The Great White Brotherhood» «USMALOS» is the Divine and Cosmic ProgRAm of the Mother of the World, embodied in reality. This is the ProgRAm of Saving all breathing through the way of Transformation-Fohatisation of Consciousness.

Upel.'.: What is the base of Your Teaching?

    Maria DEVI CHRISTOS: My Teaching is for opened consciousness, not bounded by the limits of dogmas and superstitions, which are introduced today, because of ignorance of the mankind, — practically in all modern world religions.

    The basis of My Teaching is Love to all existing, the Harmony between Celestial and Terrestrial, Spiritual and Material, Outer and Inner, Masculine and Feminine Origins. Symbolically it is reflected by the equal-sided Cross of the Mother of the World — the Main Symbol of the Great White Brotherhood (for more details refer to the Divine Symbolic of the Mother of the World and the Cross of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS) and the main thing that God is Mother, Matriarch of the Golden Culture of the Mother of the World, and the Teaching is first of all, the omniscent Knowledge of Absolute.

Upel.'.: Can we say about the transformation of «the Great White Brotherhood» «USMALOS» since the moment of its appearing in 1990? With what does it connect?

    Maria DEVI CHRISTOS: In the beginning of nineties Our community just started to be formed as a New Religion and it was interpreted as the reformed type of Christianity added with new ideas. In that time the Harmony of Two Divine Origins was out of the question. In all moderns religious canons and dogmas determined a woman as a lower creature. Because of this, at the beginning the Mother of the World Raised the humbled Feminine Origin up to Masculine level, gave the right to women: to baptize, to confess, to preach. She proofed the Truth: God is Mother, only this itself was the revolution in people's consciousness, who used to associate God only with Masculine Origin of Father-Son, and a clergy with man. The mother of the World gradually Opened the Divine LOVE to Son, Father, Spouse. The Consciousness of the believers was transformed gradualy.

    Now the Mother of the World opened the Essence of Her Teaching — the main doctrine of the Unity of Two Origins and Great Transfiguration of life. This is the condition of the breathing of the Mother of the World, being in process of filling with Absolute Light of Divine LOVE. «The Great White Brotherhood» «USMALOS» after the first decade grow over the concept of the Church and formed the United Race of the New Mankind executing the Golden Testament of LOVE of the Mother of the World.

Upel.'.: Tell us about the mankind of the sixth race?

    Maria DEVI CHRISTOS: The existence in physical forms is the reality only for the beings of the Material world. The bodies are transformed through all seven octaves during their development. There are only 49 cycles from one body to another. Seven main octaves of the development of soul. These levels are: the mineral world is the 1st octave of the development of a soul; flora is the 2nd; fauna is the 3rd; Homo Erectus- 4th; Homo Sapience is the 5th; Homo Spiritus is the 6th; Homo Universalis is the 7th, (the last form of incarnation — Logos).

    The modern mankind is on the 4th and 5th level of development. A man of the 6th race will have a cardinal difference from a modern man by the level of development of his consciousness. He will be thinking in cosmic categories, become a full reflection of macrocosm of the Universe. Microcosm (a man) will keenly feel the surrounding nature. The people will communicate on distance- telepathically, sending love, joy and necessary information. A man created by God's own image is a perfect spiritual-cosmic organism, which is capable to do miracles! Where the Law of Divine Love reigns, everything is perfect! The Divine Light and Love do not admit the people to sin. Since, the relationships will be built only on the base of mutual Love, Equality, Fraternity. The people of the 6th race will be beautiful, fit and healthy. Their features will be inspired with Love to Living God and will shine in light and joy. Husband and Wife in the 6th race will become Cosmic Collaborators, Confessors, Co-creators of the Mother of the World and the Farther of Light. There will not be unfaithfulness and treachery, since the Sacred Union will be valuable and harmonious. Man and Woman will become equal in LOVE and SPIRIT, mutually full. All seven inner spheres will merge into the united golden aura of LOVE, and spouses in their unity will become like Absolute. Beauty, Spirituality, Health will be the Components of Sacred Families. A child will be conceived with the prayer of Love to the Mother of the World. A child of harmony will be born painlessly and God will bless him by the Divine Prayer of a mother to the Almighty. The 6th race of prophets will become the revived Atlantis, experienced through the Universal Wisdom of Sacred LOVE of the Mother of the World and the Father of Light.

Upel.'.: Is the way to the Knowledge through LOVE?

    Maria DEVI CHRISTOS: The way to knowledge is through LOVE. And more, this is the indisputable fact even if considering the Karmic Laws. Do you remember how and why Atlantis was distroyed? This is just because of the Knowledge came in hands of dark forces, who wanted to manipulate human consciousness and subordinate human's will. Cosmos panished their civilization for it. Lucifer tried to distroy the Cult of Spirit — the Great Culture of Cosmic Mother of Gods, and He won the battle that time, but through centuries Mother of Gods returned back on Earth to restore Her ancient Universal Cosmic Culture of Life and rebirth the Humanity to the Light, up to the level of immortal gods.

    The Unshakable Law of LOVE lies in the basis of My Teaching. LOVE is GOD, this is the LAW, this is the TRUTH. Only the opened hearts can comprehend it. However, LOVE shines in the same time for good and evil, for open-minded and dark reptillies, who seized power in their hands on the planet today, and planning again to subordinate human's will to their forces through nano-chipization.

    In the core of LOVE of the Mother of the World is — the Apple of Cognition of Good and Evil, which was picked up from the tree by the First Woman Eve. Today This is the Fruit of the Tree of Life, which the Mother of the World gives Her Children to taste. In comparison with two halves of «Eve's apple», the apple of the Mother of the World is whole, since the Wisdom of Life is experienced, the mankind is able to determine the evil and the good, and now is worth to become Wise. «Adam's Apple» Two in One is — the Unity of Two Origins. Only through Unity we can reach the complete Knowledge.

    «Knowledge» and «cognition» mean «conception», «creation» in Ancient Semitic. And so it is! Until two halves will not become a Whole Apple, LOVE cannot be created, Life cannot be experienced in totallity. The Absolute Form of the Divine Matrix is like the Adam's Apple: there are Two Origins Merged in One. The Greatest Comprehension of God is — Unconditional Love and this is the Complete Union, the Integrity of all seven spheres, Harmony, Bliss and Knowledge. LOVE is Holiness, Purity, Divine Wisdom, Eternal Light! The Cult of LOVE is — the heart of the Golden Culture of the Mother of the World, in which Two Origins are Integral, since they similar to God.

    The Unconditional Love illuminates human mind and opens consciousness to the Unity with God. The merging with God is — already LOVE. LOVE is Knowledge. LOVE and Evil are uncompatible energies. The 6th race of future prophets and sages by the level of consciousness, represents the Unity of Mankind with its Creator-Divine Matrix, which Is Mother and Father at the same time.

Upel.'.: What means the «future Transfiguration of the Planet» and what characteristics of coming of this Transformation?

    Maria DEVI CHRISTOS: The transfiguration of the Planet is — a natural process of evolution. Since the time of the Creation of Earth and the planets of the Solar System the Complete Cycle of Being is performed, in which the Present met with its Past and Future. Now the Material World passes the stages of transformation and spiritualization (filling with Divine LightSpirit of Cosmic Mother-Progenitress)! The programme, which was completed in the World of Spirit, have been transferred on the Material plan and now manifesting here. That's why the former formations gradually spiritualizing, and the New Fohatic energies filling the Matter. In other words, through Fohat — Quantum Light of Absolute, the Physical Plan gains the new vibrational substance of Spirit-Matter. The Transfiguration of All Existing, (i. e. filling with the Light Energy of the Creator or Holy Spirit), will become the Apogey of this Universal Transformation. The Planetary Consciousness focuses the Light of Absolute and fills with it all breathing in the Universe.

Upel.'.: Is this a question of transmutation of the Planet Earth? Does this transmutation in the process now?

    Maria DEVI CHRISTOS: It is the question of transformation of human's consciousness, first of all. The Spiritual transformation is a blueprint for physical transmutation. The Idea of the Mother of the World about the Creation of the New Earth and New Heaven, i. e. the birth of the New Cosmic Consciousness and New Human Being. The Epochal Avatar creates the Planetary Revolution in all senses of its meaning: from the transformation of the lower consciousness into the Higher one, to the changing of the orbit of the Earth and transferring of the Whole Zodiacal Spheres into the New Cosmic Cycle. And My Idea is Embodied! One, who comprehends My Teaching is already has the enlightened consciousness. The Masculine and Feminine Origins in Our Community — are United. The Married couples or Unions of Holy LOVE forms the Golden Ring of the 6th Race, through which the Supreme Fohatic Energies of the Divine LOVE of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS and Ioann-Peter Vtoroy channels for the Planet Earth. Isis, having born Horus, revived Her Spouse Osiris again. In the Appearance of Osiris, whose body She gathered by cells, the Mother of the World revived the mankind.

    Indisputably, the Planet Earth will be transformed and became Bohemia ( what means in Russian: God is Mother)! Kiev, Eve's City, will became the Planetary Sanctuarity — Spiritual and Historical Centrum [KiEv: Ki means spirit, energy, of Eve]. Even in its name the future is predicted. This grad («a city» in old Slavonic) will not be nationalistic, it will be International God's City, from which the Golden Epoch of the Mother of the World will start. The 6 race will be united in Spirit and Mind — Homo Spiritus. The goals of people will be united: to renew the whole planet of God's Like Human Beings.

    We're working by this Programme more than 22 years already! And we were percecuted for this, because we reveal the plans of the dark world government of reptilloids, whose planning to subordinate Human's Will to their forces by coding people with nano-chips «label of the Beast», i. e. the digital code, which will control human's consciousness on distance and destroy the divine-matrix of individual soul. The people will be turned into the distant — operating bio-systems, bio-robots (more details refer to It will be the trial for humanity, an the protection against the nano-chip will be giving only for High-Minded Beings, who understands already today that Human Being is not just a Physical Body-Mind, it is first of all the Universal Cosmic Essence -Organism-Consciousness-which consists of seven subtle bodies and has it's own individualized divine matrix-Soul, which is immortal substance of light and Spirit, resonating in Eternity! Divine-Matrix-Soul is individualized center of Cosmic Organism, which also consists of 7 main chakras, every one of which corresponds to individual Sound-Colour-Vibration. Through Attunement on Eternal Consciousness, the divine-matrix-soul gains individual transform -lightbody, which the Human being can use as a vehicle for journeys in different dimensions of Cosmos and live in Eternity as a Logos — the Universal Divine-Cosmic System-Homo Universalis.

    There are 144000 Cosmic Ambassadors incarnated today on the Planet Earth. It is the Starseed of the Great Cosmic Mother. Mahatmas-Adepts-Ascendi of «the Great White Brotherhood» «USMALOS», which come to serve the humanity and help other human beings to perform the Quantum Leap and enter the 4-th dimension.This number is Cosmic. Every one who will come under the Golden Cover of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS will achieve the Cosmic Consciousness of Logos, it means he will become immortal and come on the New Transfigured planet Earth — Bohemia, the Culture of which, WE create today.

Upel.'.: Does «the Great White Brotherhood» «USMALOS» have common points with the Shamballa? The Great White Brotherhood (hypothetical, as it is considered), which A. Crowley noted in one of his works? (the question of a subscriber).

    Maria DEVI CHRISTOS: The Great White Brotherhood is — a Concept of the Higher World — the Galactic Federation of Light and has its natural historical reflection at the threshold of the third millenium. The Epochal Teacher Maria DEVI CHRISTOS is completing the great transformation in human consciousness, opening the True Laws of the Universe. Everybody who executes Her Law of LOVE — has the communion to the Great Process of Cosmic Evolution in the Universe. They are potential future Teachers of the new world. They will be teaching the future humanity of the 6th race to the Cosmic Science of the Mother of Light Maria DEVI CHRISTOS.

Upel.'.: How can You determine the relationships with Mass Media and other world of «the Great White Brotherhood» «USMALOS» for this moment?

    Maria DEVI CHRISTOS: If you mean, the attitude of the government towards the Brotherhood it is possible to say the following.

    In Ukraine and Russia both the dangerous situation of the religious intolerance is faced. Since the beginning of nineteenth with the help of Orthodox patriarhal priests and thanks to the promotion of mass-media, the term «destructive totalitarian sect» was labeled to our community. This term presents an ideological «label», and reflects a negative tone of Orthodox patriarchy to any other spiritual formations and not used among the modern religious researches.

    The Culture of the Golden Century is shaped in the inadequate conditions of the reality surrounding Us. But I Know: the Time is Coming and the world will be terrified how much it was blind and cruel under the power of the atheistic government! Yes, in the impossibly difficult conditions we grew Our «Garden with divine fruits»! And, it is absolutely adapted to any conditions and trials of life… I Know that «this Golden Garden» will please Its new Owner. And the New Owner is the New Enlighted Human Being! Who is responsible keeper of the Order of MAAT! I KNOW it. For the sake of Human's Salvation I bear patiently My «Sweet Fruit», what is the Children of LOVE!

Upel.'.: From where do You take the powers to resist all negatives, and the inspiration to write so wonderful poems? (the question of a subscriber).

    Maria DEVI CHRISTOS: The Mother of the World is the Inexhaustible Source of Inspiration, LOVE and Divine Knowledge. If it would be not so indeed, a simple person could not take all sufferings from the weight of this Universal Cross. The main thing here is —  p a t i e n c e. My patience is enough for the whole Universe. We have the battle with dark forces every day. Every time, We conquer completely. This is the undoubted Divine Law: the Light is much Stronger than the Darkness in many times, LOVE is much stronger than Hatredness.

    As For Poetry — it is the original Divine Language! All sounds in Poetic Language in Supreme Dimensions of Light, on the language of LOVE itself.

    If you know the Ancient Vedic Scriptures, they are also written in poems. Reading Sanskrit the Poem is always sung on the level of heart chakra. In the Transfigured World the New Mankind also will speak on Poetic Language. But more, people will be singing. The poems will be born in Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is — the Divine Energy of the Mother of the World.

Upel.'.: What can You advice to those, who wish to know more about the Teaching of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS?

    Maria DEVI CHRISTOS: To visit our site, to purchase the Sacred Manuscripts of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS and other Spiritual Literature, also video films, CDs with Cosmic Healing Music, to meet Our Adepts and Masters of Arts, and everything will be opened for you, what is important for your evolution.

Upel.'.: Your wishes to the subscriber of the mail news.

    Maria DEVI CHRISTOS: I give my blessing to have your own opinion for all, to develope the taste to culture and spiritual knowledge, to learn listen your own heart and practise in wisdom every day, to think independently and to try to understand what is the Truth. I give my blessing to comprehend the True Knowledge, Divine Unconditional Love, to enter the Epoch of Golden Century, to prepare the consciousness for the up-coming Quantum Leap, to execute the Main Law of LOVE of the Mother of the World.
    I wish you Peace, LOVE, Light and Good!

With Love —
the Mother of the World

The Mystery of Christ

How much I Desire everybody to understand
oh, people of the Earth!
How much I Desire everybody to comprehend
oh, people of the Earth!
How much I Desire everybody to be filled with God!
oh, people of the Earth!
That will bring to everybody the thoughts
oh, people of the Earth!
How much I Desire Christ's recognition
oh, people of the Earth!
How much I desire Holy Love's cognition
Oh, people of the Earth!
Jesus was coming from Egypt,
Oh, people of the Earth!
But, this mystery is hidden,
Oh, people of the Earth!
He Knew the nature of Pyramid,
Oh, people of the Earth!
He Knew, he is the Spouse of Isis,
Oh, people of the Earth!
Her Eternal Husband Osiris,
Oh, people of the Earth!
Whose Light took you to the bliss
Oh, people of the Earth!
When He was killed by Seth,
Oh, people of the Earth!
He knew: it is not the end,
Oh, people of the Earth!
Isis will come to sing a New Song,
Oh, people of the Earth!
Her name is opened now,
Oh, people of the Earth!
And Osiris will be revived in Horus,
Oh, people of the Earth!
To sing new song in chorus,
Oh, people of the Earth!
Winged Sothis reveals and show,
Oh, people of the Earth!
The divine nature of Golden Laws,
Oh, people of the Earth!
You will remember Her Name in Light,
Oh, people of the Earth!
And name Her as a New Christ,
Oh, people of the Earth!
Матерь Мира
With Love —
the Mother of the World