Treatise on the Love
(TheoSophy. Esotericism)

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Love — the eternal You and I in unity. Mind, Soul, Flesh — spiritualize and Blessed, because: One. This — is Grace. The highest stage of accomplishment. Divine Coition. This is the internal «I» and external «You» — Dressed in Auriferous Light. This is — the Holy Spirit.

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All are in the Holy Spirit — in gold, in white, in the rainbow. The Holy Spirit — is Timeless. Love is the Holy Spirit, because — out of Time, and — in Eternity. Love — Divinity Grace, there is no Grace, no Divinity, no Life, no Eternity without She.

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In Divine Coition — is the Energy of the Lightning in Which Earth and the Sky Are One, in Which — the Highest Electricity Is Transformed by Outflow Seed to the Fruitful Soil in Which God's Similarity Matures and is Born Image of the Person in Eternal Life, for — LOVE. Mother of Light is Called LOVE. Called God's Wisdom: for Expires from the Mind — to the Soul and Flesh Itself create by image of the Mother of Light, and Great Creator Thinker. All forces are in Her. All Eternity are in LOVE. Uttered, and not Uttered. She is equal to four, and four — there are ten, for All Forces — is in She all sounds, all the numbers. All — in Her Power, everything Obeys She, even Antigod.He's against She, for only go on itself and too young for love, and turned away from Her, and were deprived of Grace, because he turn towards Love, for fornication in the Darkness and fear of Darkness, Darkness — his crown, for the mother for him became the Darkness, he rebelled against Love, as no control over She, not accept. And She so Loves that Descended into Darkness, in order, clothing Darkness — Sanctify it from within and Heal from the hatred, that named evil, pride, envy, cruelty. Her Blood to Heal madness subhuman and werewolves, which turned Holy into sinful, for, to lie — their craft.

Light Maturesonly in Mother and It is born from Mother, for in Her Womb — Water and Fire. She Creates by Her Blood, by Her Thought for in the Image of the Fetus — Her Love Which She Combined in Herself and Gave Birth inTorments.

Lightninglike Speed of Light, Speed of Thought, Speed of Seed.And during Maturation keeps within Three Trinities and, forming Force of Light — becomes Ten, or .

Transformation of LOVE

Lightning — is the Light Equilateral Cross, in Which a Natural-Masculine is Equal to a Natural — Feminine.

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Sound Conforms Light Penetrability all Spheres, Sound-Light Revives All Things, and Becomes the Essence.

Everything is Arranged on a Common Principle. The Principle of LOVE. Even the Fire was kindled in the Earth by Energy of love, not to mention the two stones, of which broke out the first spark — like Lightning — and ignited all for the Abdomen.

Why is Fire burn in the Belly and Nascent Life — in the Bosom of Love, Which is the Secret Place of God's LOVE and not the bottom, and Combination of all — the Main Centers of Life in which EVERYTHING: the Sky, the Earth, and Thought, and Grace, and Creation, and Maturation, and Birth? Everything enters into It, and all leaves It. It isGod's Perfect.For the Mind goes to the Heart and Stomach, and from Stomach to the Heart and Mind.In Mind — Judicious Fire, in Heart — the Soul Executed by Reflected Light and Blood, filling all Body, as Water and Spirit from Fire and Water.And in the Bosom — isAll God's Sacrament, for Fire, Water, the Soil (Earth) and Spirit.The Bosom listens in Itself all Lightnings and Transforms: Life. Truth of Love — is in the Bosom. Love Light — is in the Soul. Idea of Love isin the Mind. Lightning shed throughMind, into Soul, intoBosom.

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According to the Law of Love the World and Person established. It is established Real. For Love — Is the Mother of Light, and Reflected in all Her Creation.The Running Slid on Waves and Imprinted in everything. Even Forces of Punishment operate under the Love Law, and the Love — Is the Highest Justice. Force of action — is equal to counteraction.

Everything under the Uniform Law of Love is Arranged from the Beginning and up to the End. An Evil Appeared, and the Wife of the Evil Became Kind. For the Love always Restrains andConsoles.

The world of Spirit Showed the Matter, and the Matter was Spiritualized by Spirit that the LOVE became Perfect. Wife of All Worlds, the Wife and Clothe.The Evil will Clothe Good and Becomes Good, and Hatred — Become Love and for the Wife Will Absorb the Husband and Became: One.

Light, Love, Kindness — are Divine. Everything breathes and conforms by a single law of LOVE.

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The Absolute is In the Kingdom of Love. Love is Eternal, for a Blissful and Perfect for the One. Andall Thingsare in It.

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On Achievement of Divine Coition, Spouse of Heaven Clothing the Sun and will be born Son of Heaven to Eternal Life. For the Mother of Light — Connect and in «Wife, clothed with the sun», will restore the Son, Spouse of Eternity.

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In Blissful Divine Coition — Happen the Transformation of the Spirit of the Great Mother to the Son, and the Son — to the Mother of the World. In Blissful Divine Coition — Happen the Transformation of the Spirit of the Great Mother to the Mankind, and the Mankind — to the Mother of the World. This is — the Highest Manifestation of Love. Love is Sacrificial, because — just Give Itself. But as the Law of Love — Love that is Giving — you get the same...

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Husband and Wife — are One Deity. For — There are Love.

Know Me — you will Gain Wisdom, for Love is Born in the Mind, Flows in Soul, Reigns over the flesh, becoming Me.

Divine LOVE is Regal and Rule on Earth and in Heaven, because everything — from LOVE. Who do not Know Me — that wander in Darkness. I am — a Light, Give Knowledge of Love.

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Entering into Love — you Become Love. Clothed, you Radiates Eternity, and in each atom Rings Cross, and Poured the Blissful Seed — the Pure Fohat, which Flowing Blood.

The Religion of My Love — Is All-powerful! It is like a Flame, Burn Centers and Dresses in White Clothes of God Copulation, the Eternal Priesthood! Everything is Sacred from Love and Frank, for from Blood Imperial Occurs. And Love is a King of Kings!

When both Mouth and Hands are Closed, both Soul and Mind Connected in the One Holy Primordial, Holy Spirit Lightning Bossom: Blood will Pour out, and the Atoms will absorb Fire and Water, by the Spirit of Transformed!

Come, my Light, and show the universe within me! Open up to Look of Suffer World, and Sanctify the Planet and Air by Eternal Love.

Name Her — Ein-Sof!
Mother of the World
(Kiev Lukyanovka)