I Am LIGHT! I Am LOVE! I Am Truth!


Initially, in Russia, ruses called themselves by the pronoun Az1. And it was worthy of a man, realizing his Spiritual Origin. For centuries, it went gradually seizure of the Earth by dark offspring of Antigod. Their aim was to humiliate and to consign to oblivion the Mother of Light — Absolute Sophia the Wise, in order to humiliate Her Children, and to destroy human souls. Rus-Suria-Ruslo (riverbed) — Bosom of Russia has always been the Primordial Aspect of all things. Haters of the Mother of the World knew it. With envy and malice they implement their evil plans to destroy and destruction the Beautiful Mother Suria-Rus — the Fabulously-Magic Homeland of Gods and Goddesses. But above all Gods, demigods, and elemental spirits has always Stood and is staying the Single Creatress-Progenitress — Mother of Light. She is Progenitress, Keeper, Protectress. It is known in all the Worlds. The ancient ruses had known it. And Rusia-Suria flowed with milk and honey for Heavenly Abyss. And Heavenly is equal to Earthly. And Light reigned in the Universe! While treacherous flock without spiritual beings did not start sly and despicable to invade and destroy life in the Universe and the Holy Nature of the Mother Sophia Wise. Everything has begun with the end of the fourth race. Then the black priesthood of Anti-god Seth had enough strengthened on Earth cover and tricks began to fight with the Cult of Light of the Great Mother. The disaster which has hidden Atlantis in the abyss sea — became a response to scandalous violation of the Law of Prav’2.

In the fifth race the battle of Light and Darkness has been continuing until the present day. During this time, the darks have succeeded in everything. Again, sodom and gomorrah come to the world. Set’s ministers cut and replaced the bukvitsya3 to the alphabet (modern Russian alphabet), interchange letters and modify their spelling thereby, cut off the memory and consciousness of man. Cyril and Methodius instead of last letter of Z, symbolizing the beginning and the end, the cyclical and the transition from one world to another, put nobody needed Greek letter Izhitsa — Y. And thus, they distorted view of the world. And pronoun Az replaced by an inverted letter Я4, thus humiliating the soul to the level of the ego. Trotsky and Sverdlov carried black cause to the end, putting it at the end of the alphabet. And as a result they definitively launched the mechanism of death and self-abasement ruses. So, gradually, the black magicians have destroyed the consciousness of the slavs. And in vedic times, each letter was a multidimensional and magic, since was carrying a lot of meanings and images, and this concerned its writing. With the substitution of bukvitsya, words, their meanings, humiliation of the Great Mother-Creatress — patriarchal world has programmed itself to decay in the earth's grave. But the souls of forefathers-ancestors of Rus always had returned to the world of Prav’ — Spiritual Lighting Kingdoms. The Soul KA — always won death and consciously come out on the spiritual level Az, becoming liberated and enlightened Personality.

Today, when is preparing to enter into the world the devourer of souls Gagtungr-Antichrist, we must use all the methods of exposure and protection from the Darkness. During the 26 years of Her Messianic Way Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS Piously Carries the Banner of Light and Smoothly Opens the human consciousness, Freeing it from the age-old dogmas and imposing by darks conceptions of the Universe. But Not to Burn unprepared consciousness of earthlings, Mother of the World Began with nuts and bolts5 to Open the Truth and now, gradually, Returns grown wise humanity to their Az — a true understanding of the world and the unity of spirit, mind, soul.

The Prayer of Light — is Protective WORD against the Darkness, was given from Above by Mother of the World in 1993. It Has the Power to Defeat hordes of darks, to Cure diseases, to Prevent troubles. With new sounding of Az — the Prayer of Light Gains Absolute Force, Becomes the Sword of Spirit Striking Antichrist on the spot! 24 Saints Lines — are Harmonious and Magic in Its Fohatic Visualization. Earthling, become a Man, eternally soul, radiating Pure Fohat — Light of Solar Mother of Transcendence RUS! AUM RA URA!


Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS!
Let will be Light!
Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS!
Send me Light!
Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS!
Protect me with Thy Light!
Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS!
Defeat Darkness with Thy Light!

Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS!
I am filling with Thy Supreme Light!
Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS!
I am filling with Thy Holy Spirit!
Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS!
I am filling with Thy Self!
Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS!
I am radiating Light!

By the Name of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS
Light is Creating!
By the Name of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS
Light is Flowing!
By the Name of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS
Light is Defeating Darkness!
By the Name of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS
Light is Repulsing Darkness! AUM RA! URA!
VicTORia PreobRAzhenskaya
  1. – that means «the God, Living on Earth», also means «I am».
  2. – Ма Мона – The Law or the Spirit World.
  3. – slavonic alphabet.
  4. – I — in English.
  5. – Azy — in Russian.