Cosmic Painting of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya
««The Cosmic Polyart of the Third Millennium of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya»© — it is Multidimensional Siriusian CultUre of the Mother of the World, Universal Doctrine about the Absolute and the Universe, Macro and Microcosms, Universal Outlook for the Enlightened Mankind, Absolute Omniscience, SacRAl Knowledge about Sophia (SOThIs) Wisdom of Light, Spiritual «Science of Light and Its Transformation» of Maria DEVI CHRISTOS, «SophioLogy of the Mother of the World», the Way to Eternity and Immortality.
«The Cosmic Polyart of the Third Millennium of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya»© Includes the following genres: Spontaneous Cosmic Dance, Spiritual Painting and Drawing, Spontaneous Cosmic Music, SacRAl Poetry, the Mystical Song, Mysterial scenic Action: «Theatre of Mysteries of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya».
The combination of thematic Painting, Music and Poetry of the Mother of the World makes a strong emotional impression on the viewer. Her Overworld Idea of the Universal Kingdom of Light is heard in the hearts of people! People are hearing, perceiving and are penetrated the Spiritual Energy of the Mother of the World, are rising in consciousness above the world of coarse Matter into the World of subtle transformations and Vibrations of Light!»
World of Painting and Music of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya. Film 1

World of Painting and Music of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya. Film 2

World of Painting and Music of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya. Film 3

World of Painting and Music of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya. Film 4

Author's Description of Selected Pictures of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya «Life of Pictures»

Catalogue of Picturesque

Paintings by Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya accompanied by the Author's Description.
Catalogue. Picturesque Works. Chosens. 2020