The Antichrist regularly drives the whole world into his bestial stall,
and his servants help him!
«It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666»
30 Years the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS Has been Uncloaking the plans of the Antichrist and his legates to create a new world order and destroy the Slavic-ruses. But during this difficult time, few heard Her Voice. The most of people — did not believe, did not hear, did not see, did not recognize. And today the Time of Great Tribulation has come — an exam for all souls embodied on Earth. And now, the last scenario is being executed. Antichrist immediately drives the whole world into his bestial stall. And he creates a total electronic concentration camp for his slaves, who betrayed the Mother of the World, Descended from the Highest Level, in order to Save enlightened humanity. Initiates knew about Her Appearance. But today's world did not want to have the Power of World Femininity on Earth, for, it stupid by the patriarchs of Seth, was fixated on the male principle, in the image of which the Antichrist rules his ball. Soon everyone will see his bestial grin. And before that, on his face will be a peacekeeping smile of a sort of «good-natured savior». Ahead — is his main show.
So, the way to drive everyone on command to the stall was a success. The zionist media created a global panic on the order of their reptiles (turn on the iron: and you hear about the «coronavirus»), who sensed their imminent decease and decided to recoup in full on the vast masses of earthlings. The energy of fear, illness, panic for them is a juicy gawah, a nutritious swill. And pseudo-coronavirus — it is a cunning trick of the darks to drive everyone into the abyss at the same time. A bunch of reptiles, under the direction of the world predictor-Antichrist and their loyal residents, sent all countries to «quarantine», thereby violating all international norms, rights and freedoms of earthlings, Granted them from the birth by the Great Mother Sophia, Which Is LIGHT, LOVE, Higher Justice and TRUE. In France, for example, so that there are no protests, armored vehicles and military patrol the streets day and night. In Italy, it is full of paramilitary vehicles too, such as: to export coffins. Or maybe looted artifacts? Is this not the beginning of a war? Is there really such a commotion due to influenza infection, or residents so eagerly «care» for your health? Of course, not. This can not be care; it’s rather annihilation, for, it is a new world order that is walking on Earth when the masses are deprived of the right to vote and all their vital rights and freedoms. And this is a crime of the century! The crime of those rulers who at the direction of their masters with green scales, drove their citizens for fencing. It is no coincidence that the root of these words is the same. If you look at the details of everything that happens, prescribed by the masons of world zionism, you get a biblical script. The dragon, which is mentioned in the «Revelation of John the Evangelist»: «… swept down a third of the stars of Heaven and cast them to the earth» (12:4), look at the night Sky. Or: «…and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast, and they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, «Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?» And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months…» (13:4,5). In this case, the dragon — is China, which is promoting in Russia and around the world its digital technologies to create a single concentration camp on Earth. And under the guise of a nonexistent «coronavirus», the dragon gave power to the beast-Antichrist: to rule the world, to tame everyone like experimental animals, to drive them into the trap under pain of death, and then — to chip, mark them under the guise of a vaccination against pseudo-pandemic. At the same time, the whole world economy collapses in one fell swoop, bank accounts are reset, cash disappears, and electronic money replaces it. And, look, the rulers of states do not care at all, because they clearly carry out the command of their master. Everything is forbidden to the slaves of the Antichrist. Only under the supervision of cameras, smart phones irradiated by deadly 5G towers, who have passed their biometric data will be able to buy inedible food in supermarkets, and at the right time they will be disconnected from the «beast» system. And then they will be covered with purulent ulcers, as said in Revelation.
The masses turned out easily manageable and gave in to the global deception of the world government, which already rules all countries. Only Great Britain did not declare quarantine. Think, why? Because there is a control center — the queen-uterus. It is no coincidence that England came out of the EU. The EU will be destroyed. And Ukraine, with the help of Fokerma-Tymoshenko, was cunningly driven into it, obliging to fulfill all the requirements of the world government. Do you think just like that, she having been in the resort conditions of the Kharkov hospital for two years, instead of her «stay in Kachanovka», she was receiving reptilians from the EU? Do you remember Cox and Kwasniewski? They constantly spent days and nights with Tymoshenko when she imitated her «illness» on walkers. At that time, a plan was developed to overthrow the «greedy Yanukovych regime» through the euromaidan. It was her party members from «Bjut» (and the name speaks for itself! (Beat)): Avakov, Turchinov, Yatsenyuk staged a fratricidal war in the Donbass, so profitable Chabad sect. And she had stood behind them and secretly controlled the processes in the country. They constantly had reported to her during her visits to the hospital. Watch the old videos on YouTube and you see for yourself: Julia – is full screen behind her adherents. And they escalate the situation in the country. A key picture was shown who is in charge of the country. But zombie mass, as always, did not notice this. And the country was plunged into fratricidal war and ruin. Classics of the genre: divide and conquer! Now she is in a black muzzle sitting at meetings in parliament during general quarantine. And what, «coronavirus» is not terrible for deputies? So they can be hundreds in many hours a day in one place and accept murderous laws against the people? (By the way, wearing masks is very harmful, microbes spread even faster, and you need to change them every four hours, be sure to boil and iron them.) Remember: all who today sow panic in public serve the Antichrist.
Once again, the Slavs, they circled you around your finger. Look who is stirring up fear in the media today and, under the guise of «caring» for the population, is pushing them into shackles! These are reptiles mimicking in the human body. They are all — on the show today. Yes, it is: mask shows. Remember them; they are in collusion with the world government. And the main culprit is the World Health Organization, created by this world government to lie and poison people. All of them must be judged. After such «quarantine» the people are finally impoverished and starved. So the last harvest will begin. People will die of hunger and unsanitary conditions. And the next information isolation with the Internet turned off at the right time, a staging of the arrival of aliens, the descent of the Antichrist from the clouds, the pseudo Slavs to utilize the white race, etc awaits everyone. The servants of the Antichrist will destroy their zombomass, and before that they chip. And the labeled ones will go to the hellish dump. And only those who turn to Their Savior, Mother of the World, Maria DEVI CHRISTOS, with the Prayer of Light, — will be Saved.
Today, the Strongest Protection against the dark — is the Prayer of Light and the Name of Sophia — Maria DEVI CHRISTOS. The servants of Seth are afraid of Her One Name alone more than death. Therefore, create absolute vibRAtions around you — a protective Light Field that neutRAlizes the «mark of the beast». To whom this mark will be set against the will, by violence, will be Released from it if the Name of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS and Her Light Prayer will sound on their lips and consciousness. Despite everything, outside the window — is the Age of the Mother of the World, Her 30th Spring on Earth. The Second Coming of Christ was Performed precisely in the World Femininity 30 YEARS ago. Then in Kiev Her White Procession Was Directed, and many saw CHRISTOS-Sophia in Her. And after 1993 (do you remember this date, then Sophia Appeared in Her TEMPLE in KiEv, where She Was captured by the «Berkut», for which they were punished in 2014), the world began to catastrophically collapse and degrade. And it today has come to its final stage. And all Prophecies Come True! If the Slavs in the early 90s chose the Way of Light, Which the Mother of the World, Maria DEVI CHRISTOS Revealed to all the thirsty, the scenario for the capture of earthlings would be destroyed, and instead the TRAnsformation of earthlings would Come. But, the zombo-mass was frightened of Her Phenomenal Appearance. They believed slander in the zombo-media. And today MAHAKALI IS GATHERING HARVEST. Antichrist at this time regularly plays out his karmic role. Of course, the Mother of the World Didn’t Hope that he and his servants would do their job so well, albeit with great difficulty! After all, it was SHE Who Prevented the black hierarchy from introducing this plan on Earth. And they, in turn, prevented Her from Collecting Her Faithful White Warriors of Light. And of course, THIS WAY is for the Elect. But This precisely — is the CHECK for all souls embodied on Earth: who will betray the Great Mother, and who will be ready for Immortality in the Kingdom of Light of Sophia the Wise... That's the Whole Story. I will still Watch this karmic game in the Role of the Savior, called: Armageddon, and, of course, I will still fight! And at the end of the Harvest, I Will Leave the limits of this Earth with Joy. Whoever believes and knows Me, — will Save, who receives the Antichrist — will perish. That's all. Be vigilant, cast off the shackles of lies and see the TRUTH! URA! AUM RA!
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, ruses! Drive the reptiles from yourself with kicks! Their time will be over soon! It all depends on you, care only about saving your soul. And you will be happy!