Mashiach's zombovirus crown
«We will create the conditions for life for criminals better than for working cattle. We will be releasing criminals from prisons, so that there will be more murders, robberies, instability. Amnesty will apply only to thieves and murderers — in short, all but those convicted for «inciting ethnic hatred», which is, in fact, the law against anti-Semitism. We will sow fear among people. Cattle will fear for their lives, which will be worth nothing. They will fear for the workplace that could be taken away at any moment. They will fear for the future of their… We shall govern by fear»
For thirty years, you silently accepted what the dark rulers of this world imposed on you through pocket media, no matter you liked it or not. The destruction of the USSR — many accepted with joy. The August coup in 1991 and the defeat of the white house in Moscow in 1993 — with enthusiasm. The orange revolution of 2004 in Kiev and the «maidan gidnosti» in 2014 — with enthusiastic patriotism. Overseas monsters pushed to this single slavic people. The plans of which, in black and white prescribed the destruction of Rus and the construction of a new world disorder. Using their invariable motto: «divide and conquer», the reptiles achieved the separation of the once united people of the slavs and launched a fratricidal war, sowing hatred and anger in human souls. This bacchanalia began in 1917. Then many faithful elders knew that the Tsarina of Rus — Mother of Heaven Sophia-Maria Will Appear in the Physical Body. And She Will Walk on the earth unrecognized, persecuted, Gathering Her faithful souls. This was also Said by Sophia Herself in the Third Prophecy during the Fatima Phenomenon in Portugal. But the Vatican still hides this important secret for earthlings. With the advent of the leader of the world proletariat, cathedrals (‘sobor’ — in Russian) (from: ‘sobirayushie’ (in Russian) — collecting electric energy) were blown up, and their ministers were sent to prisons. At that time, «revolutions» swept around the world. It was a redistribution of the old world. The united empire was destroyed. And especially widespread flu epidemic, called the «Spanish», has mowed down those who were not needed by the new government. If we return even earlier, in the 19th century, the same oil painting will open: revolutions around the world and its global redistribution. And so — every century. Today the time ApoCALYpse has come, that is Revelation, or the removal of all masks. Everything that the invaders of the Earth, hid for centuries, suddenly began to open with lightning speed. Even the stones started talking! And it really frightened the global power-brokers. They are used to keeping the world in deception and fear.
Kiev — the Mother of Russian cities — this was once the SacRAl Center of Russia. The universal axis at 50 degrees passes through Sofia Kievan. This point is indicated in the prophecies as the place of Appearance of the Messiah — Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS. Nostradamus called the exact coordinates of the Birthplace of the Messiah in his letter to the King of France, Henry the Happy: «North of 48 degrees they will honor the Religion of the Ancients. The power of unity and harmony will be so invincible and powerful that the West, South and East will shudder...», «...the great kingdom of Antichrist will come. But the Good Fortune of Holy Spirit, begun with 48 degrees (48 degrees — Doneck city — the BirthPlace of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS), will cause resettlement of the people and will expel disgusting Antichrist... And before there will be a solar eclipse, the most dark that happened from the date of creation of the world till sufferings and Jesus Christ death and, then, up to now. Also there will be in October a great movement. And it will be so cruel, as if the Earth has got off from the natural way and has plunged into eternal darkness. Before spring, and after it there will be extreme changes, transformations of empires and the strong earthquakes interfaced to unknown growth of new Babylon. And the horror of the first sacrifice will lead to increase in number of contemptible daughters. 73 years all it more and also will last seven months. And after this from a kind THAT will be allocated that during so long period remained barren (The Siriusian GODDESS Isis was considered barren). She will Appear about 50 degrees (50 degrees — Kiev city — the Place of Appearance of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS) and Will Update christian church».
On April 11, 1990, the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS Descended from Heaven in the Fohatic Fiery Body in the Image of Her Feminine Principality, having Revealed CHRISTOS-Sophia on Earth as the Messiah-Savior of Rus. And Her White Procession Began! Thousands of souls reached for the Magnet of the Mother of the World! COLLAGIA — Great Leader Has Appeared to Indicate the TRUE WAY to Earthlings. It was from this time the collapse of the old world began, for MAitreya (the Triple Mother) — MAHAKALI — Appeared to destroy the old world and Reveal the New Earth and New Sky. All these years, Maria DEVI CHRISTOS has Warned earthlings about the «Beast system», the electronic concentration camp of the Antichrist, forcibly chipization, and deposition of the «Beast mark» in the form of three sixes. For this, the legates of Darkness hated Her and put Her in prison. But this did not break the World Femininity, but rather, strengthened Her even more in the Spirit. While Maria DEVI CHRISTOS Was in a prison, She Continued to Carry Her Spiritual Mission, Despite the harsh conditions of detention. And after the liberation, She Opened the Treasury of Knowledge. The earthlings had three whole decades to prepare for the last times and open their consciousness to the acceptance of Sophia, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, about the Coming of which Jesus Christos Spoke to His disciples. For, He Transferred His Spiritual Power to the World Femininity — the Mother of the World, Who Has — Ten Thousand Names. AND SHE Took Her CHRIST CROSS and Took all the torment and suffering of the Thorny Path. «No one will take over more than it will be given to him», the scripture says. And the Mother of the World, Patiently Carrying the Universal Cross of LOVE, Despite persecution, humiliation, rejection of authority, hatred and anger of ignoramuses — Continues Her Thorny Path to Light, constantly Fighting with hordes of demons. She Left Her Priceless Spiritual Heritage to this world. Prior to Her Appearance, no one Avatar, Alien, or Messiah Left the earthlings Such Spiritual Wealth! And therefore, everyone who blasphemes the Holy Spirit — the Mother-TRUE — has already earned a place in hell. For today on Earth there is a Confrontation of Two Real Forces: the Mistress of Lights the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS and Gagtungr — the Prince of Darkness. No spiritual teachers stand next to These Universal Forces. And to smite the Dragon in the head with the Sword of the Spirit — in FORCE only the Mother of the World — SOTIs-Sophia, Siriusian «Wife Clothed with the Sun». Whether someone likes it or not, nothing will change. No mortal can bear the Universal Cross of the Mother of the World on their shoulders. This is only for Her Forces! No one will survive the fact that the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS is enduring on Earth, Having Clothed Herself in body covers. The servants of Darkness, reptiles and other legates of Antichrist hate and fear Her. Therefore, the dark ones slander Her from the Moment of Her Appearance, by all means blocking Her Way, building barriers, hiding Her Face and the Fiery Word from earthlings, tearing off Her Meetings and Speeches, Picture Exhibitions, blocking and reducing the number of views of Her videos on YouTube for many years in a row, for they are afraid that the world will know the TRUTH about the Mother of the World. True InFormation about CHRISTOS-SOPHIA Collected in Her Books and on Her Sites: «USMALOS» and «Victoria RA» ( www.VictoriaRА.com). But the one who gets in Her Kingdom of the Spirit — realizes Her Unearthly Power and Authority, becoming a free and pure soul.
Let us return to the impending events. You must understand that today's global quarantine — is a preparation for the biblical Harvest. The world did not accept Its Savior and sank to the bottom, having lost the True Spiritual Values. So the karmic retribution has come. It cannot go on like this! Too much evil and soullessness has accumulated on Earth. The planet wants a clean breath. She is alive! And the Powers of Darkness, like the Powers of Retribution, fulfill their karmic duty. My Mission — is to warn you about this. And again, Indicate the Way to Spiritual Salvation.
This is what can happen in the coming months if you don’t wake up, unite and stand on the Way of Light, Which the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS pointed out to all people.
The quarantine will not end until one morning you will see under your windows the armed forces of NATO — the new world police force, which will not defend your constitutional rights, but a new world disorder, subordinate to the Antichrist. The Internet and mobile communications will suddenly be disconnected to disorganize everything and everyone. You need to be prepared for this. Sonderkommands will go door to door to test everyone and thereby infect, and put vaccines with nanochips. No one will be released anywhere without the deadly vaccine or implanted chip. Home cage — will become a hungry prison, without the right to air and water. Many, who will receive vaccines, supposedly from coronavirus, will begin to die in a few months from infection with new strains of viruses and bacteria. Those who accept the liquid chip will be able to move for some time under the supervision of a world government. But everyone is gradually driven into prisons, empty hypermarkets, to stadiums, that is, they are completely localized from the world. And then they physically will destroy people. For, the plans of the globalists include reducing the world’s population as much as possible, leaving only the maintenance personnel of the microchipped bio-robots. On Earth today, there are far from 7-8 billion of people, as the punishers lie, but only about two billion, if so. Every day the population of the Earth is artificially reduced by invaders who arrange everywhere: wars, artificial famines, catastrophes and natural disasters. American biological laboratories are conducting experiments, specifically infecting space, chemtrails are constantly dumping toxic substances and «smart dust» with nanobots, HARP is changing the climate and causing natural disasters everywhere. Globalists are almost ready to turn on the button to destroy humanity on Earth. Yes, this is a terrible reality. But, having come to Earth, each soul must go through its own school of life and, ultimately, gain wisdom. And wisdom comes after gaining a sad life experience. For: in all wisdom there is much sorrow. But each soul, having a spiritual origin, is just obliged to become wise in order to finally return to the Kingdom of Sophia the Wise.
Do not be afraid of death of the body; be afraid of death of the soul. For, death is a transition to new conditions of life. But the one, who accepted the number of the Beast — sold his soul to the devil, will find himself in his lower tiers of hell. And anyone who consciously accepts the Mother of the World as his Spiritual Warrior will find Salvation and immortality. As soon as the critical mass of the world evil is accumulated, — TRANSFORMATION — Quantum Transition into the Sixth RAce will be Accomplished. It will include the devotees of the Mother of the World, whose names will be written in the Book of Life. These are those who rejected the «Beast system» and Antichrist's mark of destruction, having accepted CHRISTOS-SOPHIA, Which Is Light, Truth and Eternal Life.
In the meantime: the world is undergoing intensive preparations for the accession of the Antichrist. The millennial kingdom is being prepared for him. The policy of WHO, the UN, the United Lodge of England, large financial companies is directly subordinate to one goal of the Windsors and their sponsors: to quickly crown the king of Jerusalem — the Antichrist on the Temple Mount of Jerusalem, recognizing him as the «ruler of the Universe». Therefore, his servant Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Corporation, works with systems for recognizing human emotions as a method of total influence and control in order to quickly subordinate the souls of earthlings to the Prince of Darkness.
The Nuremberg tribunal is forbidden to put any marks on a person, as well as assign all kinds of numbers. The International Rule of law does not allow deprivation of the rights and freedoms of citizens. But, Antichrist chose inhuman methods; therefore all your constitutional rights today are grossly, unceremoniously and cynically violated. Then longer the quarantine from the pseudo-epidemic continues, then more and more everyone is deprived of their vital rights. And here it's your fault. Apparently, this is your way into the abyss. For, you have meekly succumbed to the control of the «Beast system». However, all this is very sad.
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, who ran the Mainz Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene from 1991 to 2012, said in an interview with German independent journalist Ken Jebsen:
«Before limiting civil rights, you need to know exactly how dangerous the virus is! Everything that happens is so naive. Italy and Germany distort statistics. The media is completely irresponsible, this should be prohibited. The only reliable COVID-19 study conducted in France. The researchers concluded that COVID-19 is no more dangerous than other coronaviruses. The data was published on the Internet on March 18, and on the same day, the British removed COVID-19 from the list of dangerous diseases. COVID-19 is not «a scary killer». I believe that when this theater began, it all came from the WHO. But those who blindly follow the WHO are also to blame.
Draconian techniques that limit fundamental human rights and freedoms in such a large-scale manner should only be imposed if there is a proven basis that the new virus is super dangerous: more dangerous than everyday related viruses.
— Has there ever been such a scientifically sound confirmation for Covid-19?
— In my view, the simple answer sounds: no. To obtain such confirmation, you need to present irrefutable scientific evidence».
A week ago, the virologist Zverev noted in an interview with «Radio Russia» that «even now, the virulence of COVID-19 is not very high. It is greatly exaggerated. It is smaller than that of the flu. When we summarize what has happened now, we will see that the mortality rate will not exceed a percentage. That is, it will be comparable to the death rate from the influenza virus».
Meanwhile, the representative of the World Health Organization WHO (an organization funded mainly by B. Gates and pharmaceutical companies) in the Russian Federation Melita Vujnovich opposed the weakening of quarantine in Russian regions. Quarantine has not been lifted in Italy either, while football teams freely travel around Europe and return back to Italy. Hospitals are empty all over the world. Bloggers in many countries make their videos from empty hospitals. And it's understandable: everyone is at home, but there is no epidemic. Here are the empty hospitals. And this once again confirms the global deception of the globalists of the world's population.
The Rothschild’s magazine «The Economist» has already expressed in favor of the good for the global economy from the situation with the coronavirus. Isn't that chutzpah? Only the blind do not see that the pseudo-epidemic with the crown is orchestrated by non-humans who rule the world; the purpose of which is complete control over everyone and the global mopping up of unnecessary population in all countries of the world. And first of all in Ukraine and Russia, where the khazar kaganate is in power and the population is a resigned herd. It’s not surprising if a real epidemic begins by the fall from contaminated coronavirus tests and vaccines with psychotropic drugs and liquid chips. In Ukraine, after the Orange Revolution since 2004, the United States has opened 15 biological laboratories, where experiments with viruses are carried out. In the times of V.Yanukovych they were covered. But with the accession to power of Poroshenko, they started working again. And they work to this day, because the authorities are not «servants of the people», but servants of the State Department. By the fall, real viruses can emerge from these American laboratories, like from Pandora's box. In the meantime, the deceived ukrainians are silent without a murmur and endure all the mockery of them. In the Ukrainian media, on the TV show, the servants of the «Beast system» continue to stir up panic, while the authorities, meanwhile, are genocide the people. The situation is not the best in Kazakhstan either.
««Along with bio-threat research, that is, preparation for biological warfare, Kazakhstan centers are used by the US Department of Defense for solving political and intelligence tasks. For example, T.Erubaev the director of the National Scientific Center for Especially Dangerous Infections said in a recent article that «on the initiative of the KSCQZI… was created the Biosafety Association of Asia and the Caucasus».
ABAI — is a structure funded by the US and UK defense agencies designed to collect biological data for the benefit of NATO. After the creation of a chain of reference laboratories, it is used for research in countries where these American outposts could not be created.
A new information war is breaking out in Central Asia. Beijing and Washington blame each other for creating COVID-19 using regional media. The first victim of the information war was the American biolaboratory in Almaty (Central Reference Laboratory), to whose participation in the Pentagon's projects the attention of journalists was attracted. There were again calls to close it, which according to polls is supported by 92% of Almaty residents. The Russian Foreign Ministry has already announced its concern about American bioprograms in the neighborhood». (
All that remains is to open your eyes and turn to the Mother of the World with The Prayer of Light. If 144000 souls of the White Host will Gather, the Antichrist's plan will be instantly thwarted. And there will come a TRANSFORMATION!
And in conclusion. Many today see the brightest star in the evening sky and ask: is this the star of the Messiah? This is Venus: «The Morning and Evening Star», which is mentioned in the «Revelation of John». This is the approaching Star Urusvati — of the Mother of the World, about whom E.I. Roerich predicted.
«Urusvati — it's time to say that we call the Star, which is irresistibly approaching the Earth. It has long been the symbol of the Mother of the World, and the Epoch of the Mother of the World must begin when Her Star approaches the Earth unheard. The Great Epoch begins, for the spiritual understanding is connected with the Mother of the World...» (E.I. Roerich, P.I, 17.8.34).
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