MOTHER Stands at the Source

«In aramaic, the «spirit» was conceived as a mother, not a father, because in aramaic ruah (spirit) — is feminine. This expressed the idea of a new — from the spirit — birth. Jesus thus had a mother in the flesh and a Mother in the Spirit, and it was the union with the Mother-Spirit that made Jesus the Messiah…»

(I.S. Sventsitskaya. From the book «Early сhristianity: pages of history»).

When the world abandoned its Primordial Mother, replacing Her with a «father», all troubles came to Earth. In the same way, the worldview of the earthlings was completely distorted: instead of a wide and immense planet (plan eto (in Russian) — this plan) spread imposingly in the expanses of the Universe, in their view, a ball rotating at an unimaginable speed, hanging in a void filled with night appeared. And the Sun, huge and immense in its size, turned out to be somewhere beyond the scope of vision. And then immediately a lot of inconsistencies arose: with Her Majesty Water, and with the change of day and night, and with flights over the Earth. And a lot of other unimaginable things. But today it is already clear to every inhabitant of the Earth, educated from within. And those who still abide in the dogmas of deceit, or deliberately support this global deceit-conspiracy, fall into the traps of stupidity set by the dark ones. This is the philistine layer, which, by inertia, is rolling into the karmic abyss, which means — to its own punishment for a senseless and empty existence on Earth.

Many basic words have retained the SacRAl basis-root of ZHEN (Wife), from ZHN-ZN — Znanie (Knowledge), or Zhena (Wife), which confirms the fact that it was the Mother Woman, the Keeper of the World Fire, the Ruler of all the elements, the Loving, Caring Wife-Lord-BAGANA.

Here are just a few words: otVERZHENie (rejection), obvaraZHENie (charm), sRAZHENie (battle), obnaZHENie (denudation), pribliZHENie (approach), izVERZHENie (eruption), dviZHENie (movement), vozzhZHENie (kindling), sVERZHENie (overthrow), izkaZHENie (distortion), poRAZHENie (defeat), tormoZHENie (inhibition), unichtoZHENie (destruction), preobRAZHENie (transformation), dolZHENstvovanie (obligation), (blaZHENstvo) bliss, etc.

From time immemorial, a woman has always guarded and protected her husband, or son in battle, she could stop a galloping horse with the power of thought and look. It was the Heavenly and earthly Mother who was always revered and remembered in difficult times. No one ever called out to the father in times of pain or danger: «dad!», «father!», and always only Mother, mom called for help. For a child, the mother — is his Universe, it is the mother that the child loves with all his heart, he always calls only his mother and reaches out only to her alone. Mom — is his life, joy, self-confidence and everything, everything, everything. She feeds him, caresses him, cherishes him, loves him, regardless of whether he is good or evil. So it is with animals. The cat nurses, licks, feeds her cubs, carries them prey, teaches them to hunt, and the cat-father lives somewhere beyond this cat's happiness. Nature-Mother always gives the right answers and understanding of the world, therefore, consult with Nature-Mother, observe Her nature, and the whole mystery of being will be revealed.

Let's go back to the father. The word «otets», «otche» (father) comes from the word tech’ (to flow), otekat’ (drip). And it's understandable why. And that is what is fleeting. And sometimes — irresponsibly. And the words «Otechestvo», «Otchizna» (Fatherland) — also came from the root base «tech» (leak). But how much more energetic and spiritual sounds the word RADANA (Giving Light) (Motherland), distorted: Rodina (Motherland). The father, before becoming a father, was the son of his mother, and then the husband of his wife. And the wife became a mother, giving birth to a son or daughter, who also eventually became someone's father and mother. Therefore, to turn in prayers to the Father, whom the Mother gave birth to, and who could not become the Father without the flow of the seed into his Wife, — is fundamentally wrong. This means that if there is a Father, then He necessarily has a Wife, with Whom He united, and from this intercourse, the Wife gave birth to a Son or Daughter, becoming a Mother, and Her Husband — only after the birth of a child, became the Father. Just like it always does on Earth. Principle: Above, as below — unshakable. So where, then, is the Holy Wife-Mother of the Father, to whom all believers turn for no reason, bypassing That Main Power, without Which there would be no Father? Turn on, finally, your brains, worshiping the Consubstantial Father! And where is THAT Primordial Mother of all Existing, Who Gave birth to the Son Who Became the Father, and the Daughter Who Became the Mother, Who Became such only after the Birth of their own Child? It turns out the same deception as in everything else: geography has been substituted, the picture of the world order has been substituted, hIsTory has been substituted, the sacred has become sinful, and the sinful has become holy. Earthlings, when will order and awareness of the Truth reign in your heads? How much longer will you believe in the imposed nonsense of deceivers who completely dispose of your life on Earth? Until you open your eyes, you will be fooled by all sorts of «monkeys» or «holy fathers» who do not fulfill a single sacred Commandment. Where these «holy fathers» have led you — you can see for yourself: to complete collapse and annihilation. For without Mother, Woman, Queen of Lights the world cannot live in Harmony and BEAUTY, Love, JOY and abundance. In such an ugly, one-sided world, which has humiliated the mother-woman to the level of a harlot, only the patriarchs prosper and fatten, having captured everything in their insatiable paws. So Seth, pretending to be Amon, began to acquire everyone here, to lure into his insidious nets of the Beast-Antichrist. His mark: three sixes — right there. Through well-known manipulations and total control, they seek to instill this stigma in you in every possible way. For the sake of all this, the world deceit and the complete rejection of the Mother-Savior of Rus' are started. Pay attention and draw the right conclusions.

The Primordial Mother of all Existing — is Sophia the Wise, or the Unmanifested Power of Ein-Sof, from Which the Light-Sound Fell and Illuminated the entire formless space of Darkness with Its Radiance. In ancient treatises it is said: «From the Beginning, before the Mother Became the Father-Mother, the Fiery Dragon moved in Infinity».

It was from the Source of SOPHIA was born the Logos-Voice, in Which there were Two Waves: Male and Female: Son and Daughter. Who, from the Copulation, created their own kind, becoming the Father and Mother of all living things. The Primary Sota-Sophis — It is the hexagonal Foundation of the Universe, the cell of the Akashic-Chronicle, in Which all the Information of the Universe is Stored. And Two triangles: Yin and Yang, resting in Her One.

So, the Father and Mother — the Male and Female Principle lies at the root of the whole Nature of things. In ancient tradition, when the Son is separated from the Mother, he becomes the Father, or «His Mother's Husband». The title of the Egyptian supreme God Amun — is the Spouse of His Mother. Thus, when the Mother Manifests from Her Unmanifested State of Ein-Sof, She Becomes the Immaculate Virgin. Deva (Virgo) in Sanskrit means — Shining. When She Gives Birth to Her Spouse, She Becomes God's Mother. And Her Husband — is the Son and the Father at the same time. In every religious system, the Gods merged their functions, like Father, Son, Spouse or Mother, Daughter, Spouse — into one.

The Primordial Mother of Eternity SOPHIA-SOTIS, which means: Light, the Primordial Honeycomb, and was the Absolute Two-in-One, or Triune Mother, in Which there are Four, or Six. Or the whole Ten Heavenly Powers. Having passed through many of Their Incarnations in Matter, the Son and Daughter (Heavenly Mother and Father) Completed their earthly voyage, Merging again into the Single Monad of SOTIs-Sophia the Wise. «And a Great Sign Appeared in Heaven: a Woman Clothed with the Sun, with the Moon Under Her Feet. And on Her Head is a Crown of twelve stars…» (Revelation, ch. 12)..

The Spiritual Power of Light was Opened in Zventa-Sventana — the Cathedral Soul of the World — the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS — on Nisan 11, 1990. And a new countdown began. For THAT Appeared, Whose Throne was occupied by Seth; Having all the SacRAl Signs in Herself and in Her Name: Maria DEVI CHRISTOS. This is the Supermundane Name of the Trinity, the Sun, the Light, the Spirit of LOVE! Maria — is the Mother of the Aryans. DEVI — Sovereign Aegis Almighty Isis, Bhagavana. CHRISTOS (ХРИСТОС)Horus, Isis-Istina (Truth), Osiris. SOTSIRH (СОТСИРХ)SOT (SOF) — SIR — Light of the Queen of Sirius, X — What's Above, So Below! And only the blind today do not see and do not recognize, do not hear and do not understand Her Primordial Mother of Eternity, Who Descended to Save the souls of the fallen earthlings, Turning them again into the Stream of Her True Light. And therefore, only those who understand that the Appearance of the Holy Spirit, Which Jesus Christos Foretold, Is the Most High Mother of the World, — will be saved. He said: «Listen, this God's Comforter, the Holy Spirit, is One with God, but the world cannot accept Her, because it does not see Her, does not know Her. But you see Her and you will know Her, for She will Dwell in your soul» (Gospel of Jesus Christos of the Age of Aquarius). The Holy Spirit — This is the Epochal Phenomenon of the Lost Power of the Primordial Mother of the World, Her Powerful Shakti’s Energy of Hari, with Which SHE Kindles the Space and Punishes with the Fiery Sword of KALI the unfaithful and hating the One from Which the whole world has Manifested: with all fathers and mothers, daughters and sons. So Turn to Her Sacred Name and ask Grace to Save your unfaithful race from the death that has already come upon all living, except for those who Know, Love, Believe and Honor the True Mother of the World. OM! All GLORY to the Consubstantial Mother of Light with Ten Thousand Names, One of Which in this Epoch: MARIA DEVI CHRISTOS! JAYA! JAYA! JAYA! All Glory to the Mother of Lights! URA! AUM RA!

Victoria PreobRAZHENskaya